Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lyla's Birthday

Finally........she is 3 weeks old and I am just now getting to this. I guess I could get away without ever writing the details of her birth down, as like the other 3 it is a day we will never forget. Some may think that the 4th child's Birthday is not as exciting as the first, but all 4 of their birthdays are days that I will treasure forever and reflect on them each year when their special day rolls around.

Lyla was due to arrive on the 16th of December,I thought for sure I would NOT make it to the 16th. After all this was my 4th and I had been having braxton hicks contractions for weeks. I remember feeling anxious to meet her yet nervous to become a mom of 4! As the the 16th came and went I grew more and more nervous of going into labor on or around Christmas and missing being home with the girls. I was scrambling to get all of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped and everything prepared for Adam. Let me add that wrapping presents while 9 months pregnant is NOT an easy task (Iam surprised that alone didnt put me into labor) My Dr had me go up to the hospital for an NST and Ultrasound and to meet with a Dr to discuss my options as I was 3 days late. The NST and Ultrasound showed that Lyla was happy where she was. My plan all along was to try for a VBAC and because of the previous C-section my options for induction was limited. I left the hospital feeling a little sad that she wasn't ready,as I was secretly hoping they would just admit me and we would get to meet her! But we left with a date December 25th.

Early Christmas Eve Morning (8 days past due) I woke up to strong contractions about 6-10 minutes apart. I woke up Adam and he frantically packed the kids up to bring to his moms and we headed to the hospital, only to be sent home a few hours later as the contractions stopped.

Christmas Day came and I was a nervous wreck all day. I was told to expect a call from Labor and Delivery around dinner time to head in. So after 4pm every time the phone rang my heart dropped. They finally called and told us to head up around 7pm.  We arrived,met our awesome nurse,got checked in and went over the plan of action. Which was to insert the foley bulb to dilate my cervix and hopfuly kick start labor. So they inserted the foley (OUCH!!!) and turned down the lights and told us to get some sleep. Adam did just that, me on the other hand couldn't between the anxiety and infrequent contractions I maybe slept 3 hours.

 The next day was a whole lot of painful contractions and walking around the hospital to help things along and to peek into the nursery to get a look at the sweet newborn babies. Finally sometime after lunch the Foley bulb came out, I was dilated to a 5-6 :)

 We spent the next few hours breathing through painful contractions, bouncing on the birthing ball and more walking. Finally at about 8-9 centimeters I got the epidural!!!!Auntie Kelsey arrived and 2 hours and 3 pushes later our Beautiful Lyla Reese entered this world the day after Christmas at 10:59 pm weighing in at 9lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. They laid her on me and all I could do was cry. I kissed Adam and we looked at each other in amazement. I was so thankful she was here, she was healthy and she was beautiful. She is perfect!!!! I wouldn't change a thing about that day.....It was amazing!

In that moment Adam and I became the proud parents of 4 beautiful girls!

Happy Happy Birthday Lyla Reese!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sneak Peek

Today Adam, Kaylah and I got to have another look at Miss Lyla. I was so excited/nervous since I haven't had an ultrasound since my 18 week anatomy scan. My OB ordered this ultrasound because my fundal height was measuring 4 weeks ahead. 

I was so relieved when she said everything looked perfect :) fluid, heart, measurements....all PERFECT!! She is currently in the 68th% at 7lbs 2 oz and expected to gain another 2 lbs before delivery. Which means another 9 lb baby!! The tech was sweet enough to get some 3D shots of her face for us......and I am in love with my sweet little chubby cheeked girl!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Re-Cap

I am so excited that we are getting so close to the holiday's. For two reasons....One being this is my favorite time of the year!! Love,love,love everything about Thanksgiving and Christmas, the food, lots of family time, decorating, lights, Christmas music,  my Christmas scented candles, seeing the excitement in the kids, I could go on and on. How can this time of the year not make you happy? And of course getting closer and closer to meeting Lyla!!! We have only 4 more weekends until my due date!!!!!! Eeek So lately our weekends consist of getting things checked off our to-do list! Well its mostly a list I made for Adam of things I cant do ;0) While I have been cleaning (nesting) like crazy around here! Everything from floor boards to dusting the crown molding.

In between cleaning and preparing this weekend we ...........................

Took care of two sick little girls!! Alivia and Emma caught hand foot and mouth and have been battling fevers and sore blister lined mouths :(

Saturday Kelsey and Brendon came over and watched Alivia and Emma while Adam and I met up with his parents, sister and brother in law to see a comedy show. While Kaylah got to go see the Little Mermaid play with friends at the High School and have a sleepover.

(before we left....Lyla and I)

Sunday Alivia and I (Emma wanted no part in it) made an Indian headband for thanksgiving and she wrote all of the things she was thankful for on the feathers.

Kaylah had her friend Maya over and I made a scavenger hunt list for them to look for in the woods. Which kept them busy for awhile! Will definitely be doing this again when the girls are looking for something to do!

 Which brings us to now.....where I am currently still in my pj's exhausted from staying up too late and waking up too early....counting down the minutes until bedtime!

Monday, November 12, 2012

34 week with Miss Lyla

How far along? 34 weeks (last week) 35 weeks today!
Total weight gain: up another 3 bringing me to 34 pounds total 
Measuring: 38 weeks!!! expecting another big baby
Maternity clothes? Yes but even those dont fit.....belly is always hanging out these days! (see below)
Stretch marks? No new ones....just the same old ones becoming more noticeable with my expanding waist line
Sleep: frequent bathroom trips and coughing fits
Best moment this week:  Been pretty quiet here lately, and thankful for that! We did get her stroller and car seat this week !! And her swing,diaper bag, and bassinet are all ready for her arrival! Love envisioning her in them :)
Miss anything? YES! turkey,mustard,lettuce and pickle subs. Also would love a big glass of Sangria :)
Movement: Yes :) 
Food cravings: Everything especially sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Adams cologne ....and giving the girls a bath....something about the heat and the smell of their shampoo ....blah
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: No...but increasing braxton hicks
Symptoms: Exhaustion, no energy,no patience and moody, constant hunger and lovely pelvic pain.... killer HEARTBURN...thank god for zantac!
Belly button in or out? In...getting flat..ish
Wedding rings on or off? Off....but only as I just discovered my diamond is loose :(
Happy or moody most of the time: MOODY...pretty sure everyone in my house hates me!
Looking forward to: getting another ultrasound next Tuesday, as I am measuring 4 weeks ahead. And weekly OB visits after that :) 

According to BabyCenter Lyla is 5 1/4 lbs and over 18 inches long... I think she is bigger though!! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Witch, spider princess and Cleopatra

Kaylah "playing" the part

Before Daddy did her "makeup"


Em being a Ham

 Kaylah "better dealed us" this year and went trick or treating with a friend, but Camden (Iron Man), Curley and Nikki joined us!

The 3 Amigos

Sweet sisters

Pumpkin time

Last night after dinner, we carved pumpkins (better late than never) 

This year because we were so late and we didn't have any stencils, they each drew what they wanted with marker and Adam and I carved them (with a little help) They did all the scooping!!

Alivia's Pumpkin

Emma's...... obviously ;)


and even one for little Miss Lyla (thanks Daddy)

Then we all carried them out front to display them. Just in time for Halloween!

And they came out perfect!!!

Hurricane Sandy

Was lame here in Hanson. I have to admit I was hoping for a little more excitement. On the flip side after watching news coverage after the fact I am thankful,as she really did cause havoc on other parts of the East Coast. As for us she was more of an annoyance. 

That morning I ran my sick Emma to the pediatrician for her cough and fever (bronchitis) I felt like I was rushing around to get home before the storm hit so I could catch up on laundry and clean before we lost power. Which doesnt take much on our street, we always lose power!!!!!

And this time was no different....for about 24 hours we were without, but thankfully we have a generator. This allowed us to plug in our refrigerator, freezer, tv, a lamp, and phone charger!   

Being without, sure makes you thankful for the little things. Like not having to hold a flashlight while getting up to go to the bathroom a million times in the middle of the night ;) Or not having to worry if your phone will die so you can check Facebook!

I made a pasta dinner by candlelight and we all ate in the living room while we watched TV. The kids loved this :) They also loved that school was canceled for 2 days!!!!! I however did not love that part!