Well Iam finally on here to document our 3rd pregnancy and 3rd girl. Iam alittle late into the game. 34 weeks late to be exact :0) I have always thought blogging to be a wonderful way to document big changes in life, but never got around to it. So here is to hoping can keep this up. So well start from the beginning.
In September of 2008 we decided to start trying for #3. Each month brought more and more negative tests and tears. I started to worry why I wasnt getting pregnant right away like I did with Kaylah and Alivia. Then a week before Christmas I got positive.... I was soo excited..It was perfect. I couldn't wait to tell Adam. I remember casually telling him on the couch while we were watching TV... We were thrilled. Our excitement lasted a only a week . As I started bleeding a day before Christmas. It was a chemical pregnancy. I then made an appt. with my OBgyn for some test. Everything was normal. Except for some small cysts on my right ovary that she said should help my fertility. We went on to have another CP the following month. Only to find out in February that we were expecting again. We were very cautiously optimistic that this pregnancy would stick. Here are the details :0)
1/26/08: LMP
Feb 08: Multiple (5) home test + and getting darker every couple days.
March 2nd 08: 1st blood work
hcg: 724 :0)
prog: 33
March 9th: 2nd blood draw
hcg: 20926
prog: 20?? concerned it had dropped
March 16th: 3rd blood draw
hcg: 40,080
prog: 23.8
March 19th: US tiny flickering HB of 100. Doctors are concerned said HR should have been higher.
March 26th: US HB 140's yaayy :0)!!!!!!
April 24th: Nucheal fold US 12w3d .... NT measurement of 1.6
followed by wonderful AFP blood results :0)
June 2nd: Its a girl !!!!!! :0) Have to come back in a few weeks didn't get all the heart shots.....Little lady was not cooperating. Everything else looks great!!
June 24th: Heart looks perfect :0) They make note that cysts on R ovary are growing. And have since been having monthly US at MFM at SSH to monitor growth of cysts. Staying stable!!!
September: Finally agree on a name Emma Kate Ryan. Same initials as her mom :0)
Sept 10th: US reveals baby weighs almost 5 lbs but has small amount of fluid on kidneys normal is up to 5 and hers is measuring a 6. Follow up in a month. AFI 10.9
Sept 13th-15th: Admitted to SSH for SEVERE right sided pain. US revealed cysts are still stable ,placenta looks good, not in labor...but little lady is transverse. Iam thinking this was causing the pain.
Sept 21st: 34 week apt. Doctor confirms Emma is now head down again where she belongs :0)
Pheeeewwwwwww That was alot.
The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 8
2 hours ago
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