Monday, June 13, 2011

And the worst mother award goes to....


Seriously! Wednesday was Alivias Pre-K family picnic. I was so excited to go eat lunch with her. Emma had an appointment at 9:15 and I thought for sure we would be done in time to get to the picnic at 10:30.  Well I was wrong. Emma's appointment was because she has been randomly throwing up. Well we get there and they want to draw blood to test for allergies and other labs. So they tried twice and couldn't find her vein. So they send us to SSH to have it drawn...and they had to stick her 2 more times!!!! At this point I had already missed the picnic and just watched my baby get poked 4 too many times. I literally cried off and on all day last Wednesday. I think that having class every night is partially to blame for how I have been feeling. It stinks that Iam away from the kids every night M-F. 

Anyways this weekend we had some house guests......Auntie Dallas and Daisy!

 Which was fun!

This dog takes up my whole kitchen

And here is Kaylah .......I mean Taylor...this morning before school. Today was celebrity day at school and Kaylah wanted to be Taylor Swift. SO last minute as usual we ran to Target to find some stuff. We couldn't find any boots so a dress and cowboy hat did the trick. I put her bone straight hair in braids last night after her shower for the curly hair effect.



OH no girl, I win that prize. the mothers that think they are doing everything right are the bad ones.
luv these pix. ♥


As stressful as the next 3 weeks are going to be you should be proud of yourself for making an effort for a better future for you and your family. The girls are so proud to have a mommy like you!! Think of the long run and how well look back at this last month and laugh! Stay positive girl and HONC your a**ho!! Oxox